Former Lieutenant Governor Margaret Farrow Supports Jesse Kremer

Jesse Kremer, energetic conservative running for State Assembly in the 59th District, has garnered the endorsement of Republican, former Lieutenant Governor Margaret Farrow.

Former Lt. Gov. Margaret Farrow

Kewaskum, Wisconsin, July 28, 2014: Jesse Kremer, the fresh, young, energetic face in politics for the 59th Assembly District, has announced a major endorsement of his campaign. Kremer has received the full support of former Lieutenant Governor Margaret Farrow. Mrs. Farrow filled a two year appointment to the office under Republican Governor Scott McCallum from 2001-2003. Mrs. Farrow also served her constituents faithfully as a Wisconsin Assembly Representative from 1986-1989 and as a State Senator from 1989-2001.

Mrs. Farrow has endorsed Jesse based on his solid fiscal conservative principals, strong sense of integrity, firm traditional family values, and pro-life stance.

Jesse has also been endorsed by retired Washington County Sheriff Robert Schulteis, former State Assembly Representative “Mickey” Lehman, retired Hartford Mayor Jim Core, the Wisconsin Family Action PAC, Pro-Life Wisconsin, Wisconsin Right to Life, the Kewaskum Police Association, the Wisconsin Farm Bureau, and US Concealed Carry Association (USCCA) President Tim Schmidt, and District 9 Washington County Supervisor Ronald Naab.

High School Teacher Supports Jesse Kremer

Jesse has experts in the family and within his immediate circle of friends to draw from when it comes to education in Wisconsin.  Jesse’s parents were both school teachers and his father, Ren Kremer, was a principal.  Jesse is the only candidate who has introduced a “Blueprint for Education Reform in Wisconsin” and he has been working hand-in-hand with the Germantown School District’s Brian Medved (the only school board to reject Common Core standards in the state), Karen Schroeder of the Advocates for Academic Freedom, and Dr. Duke Pesta of FreedomProject Education.  Jesse believes that there should be competition among schools so that we continue to provide an outstanding environment where our children can flourish.

We encourage you to watch the 1 1/2 minute video to see why a Wisconsin high school teacher supports Jesse Kremer.

PRESS RELEASE: Jesse Kremer Welfare Reform Proposal

In keeping with his campaign slogan, Republican 59th Assembly Candidate Kremer introduces another bold idea emanating from his conservative values.

jesse-kremer-welfare-reformKewaskum, Wisconsin, July 23, 2014: Jesse Kremer is proposing a welfare reform idea that could prove controversial, but may garner bi-partisan support.  Kremer issued the following statement, “I am appalled with the lack of oversight and control when a government program or bureaucracy is initiated.  I feel that although government welfare programs are a social necessity and a crutch for those who fall on hard times, they are not meant to be a permanent life style.”

Kremer firmly stated that he would like to study the effects of possibly purchasing buildings to use as state food pantries and allow them to be run by private companies.  “I believe that we would save millions of taxpayer dollars, even if we were to provide the actual structures.” said Kremer. The pantries would only provide life-sustaining foods such as bread, flour, vegetables, fruits, eggs, milk, etc.  Junk foods, liquor, and cigarettes would be excluded.  Kremer feels that the pantries should be directly responsible to the legislature.  State auditors would provide  oversight and report to this legislative committee.

Letter From a 59th District Farmer to Jesse Kremer

Hello Jesse,

We were pleased to learn you have been endorsed by the WI Farm Bureau. You impressed the group through the learning you had done about the issues between the time you met with the county farm bureau groups and the recent interview.

Their endorsement, along with the positive image we have seen so far in your campaign has my husband XXXX and I in your camp.

Our family operates a dairy farm in Eden, and look forward to working with you.

With sincere best wishes,

Jesse Kremer Farm Bureau Endorsement
Wisconsin Farmer Enthusiastic About Jesse Kremer

PRESS RELEASE: Kremer Runs a Hard Core Grass Roots Campaign

Kremer for Wisconsin campaign completes their first sweep through the district by knocking on well over 10,000 potential voter doors.

Jesse Kremer 59th Assembly Candidate at Kewaskum Fireworks
Kremer Serves Guests at Kewaskum Fireworks

Kewaskum, Wisconsin, July 17, 2014: The Kremer campaign disclosed this afternoon that as of late last week, they have knocked on over 10,500 potential voter doors since the middle of March. Jesse Kremer, a first time candidate, has been re-inventing the wheel when it comes to grass roots campaigning. Kremer bicycled 85 miles through the entire district in June, put on a “Family Night Out” event in Kewaskum in early May, and even had a Town Hall “Meet & Greet” fundraiser with sitting State Senator Paul Farrow as a guest. Kremer commented on the recent achievement, “I may be new to this, but I am living up to my campaign slogan of ‘Bold Ideas… Conservative Values’. We did not wait around for a voter list from the Republican party in early June like our establishment competitors. We hit the ground running in the middle of March wearing gloves and several layers of clothes while the snowflakes were still flying. We felt that this list of voters from the 2012 primary race would be the most probable voters during the 2014 election cycle and needed to put my face to the name early on.”

Although Jesse Kremer is new to politics, he has a vast array of real world experiences as a pilot, military veteran, former police dispatcher, small business owner, husband, father of three young girls, church council member, and a volunteer firefighter/EMT.

Veterans Support Jesse Kremer for 59th Assembly District

Jesse is a staunch supporter of the military and Wisconsin veterans.  At a time when the federal government and the leaders of our nation are dropping the ball daily on current soldiers and veterans, we need people within the government who will look out for the needs of our service members.  Jesse wants to ensure that there is oversight in our own Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs so that current programs remain vibrant and our state owned facilities and hallowed grounds are not forgotten.

Jesse Kremer served as an enlisted member of a Medevac National Guard unit, a Reserve Army Hospital unit, and a Reserve Drill Sergeant unit – all located in Southeastern Wisconsin.

We encourage you to watch the 1 1/2 minute video to see what a local military veteran has to say about Candidate Kremer.

59th Assembly Candidate Jesse Kremer NRA Rating: AQ

Veteran Enlisted National Guard Specialist Jesse Kremer receives the highest NRA Rating for New Candidates.

Jesse Kremer NRA Rating AQKewaskum, Wisconsin, July 15, 2014: Jesse Kremer received a rating of AQ from the NRA.  This means that all of the questions posed to candidate Kremer were answered to the NRA’s complete satisfaction, however, he does not have a voting record as of yet.  Two other candidates were also scored, however, Bill Savage opted out of the survey and did not receive a recommendation.

Jesse is an enlisted veteran of the Wisconsin Army National Guard and served in the initial wave of Operation Iraqi Freedom.  He is a staunch defender of the 2nd Amendment and also has the full backing of US Concealed Carry Association President Tim Schmidt.

PRESS RELEASE: Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation Endorses Jesse Kremer

Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation endorses Jesse Kremer – the only candidate in the 59th Assembly District to receive the nod.

Kewaskum, Wisconsin, July 14, 2014: After conducting interviews with all 59th State Assembly candidates at the Campbellsport Library this past week, Jesse Kremer came away with the only endorsement by the Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation.  Kremer stated,  “This is an extremely important vote of confidence from our farm leaders.  I understand that farming is a large portion of the economy in the district and we must ensure that our farmers have the tools that they need to thrive and grow their businesses.”

The half hour, fifteen topic hot button issues included: “Animal Welfare”, “Local Road Funding”, “The New Implement Weight & Size Regulations”, and “Raw Milk”.

Jesse has met with the majority of the district Farm Bureau chapters over the past several months of campaigning.  The Kremer for Wisconsin campaign has also knocked on over 10,500 potential voter doors since mid-March – many of which were rural farm families.

PRESS RELEASE: Wisconsin Right to Life Endorses Jesse Kremer

Wisconsin Right to Life endorses Jesse Kremer, Republican for the 59th Assembly District

Jesse Kremer Wisconsin Right to LifeKewaskum, Wisconsin, July 11, 2014: Jesse Kremer, candidate for the 59th Assembly District from Hartford to New Holstein, has proudly announced the full endorsement of Wisconsin Right to Life.  Kremer is the only outspoken Christian candidate to have received the prestigious endorsements of Wisconsin Family Action PAC, Wisconsin Right to Life, and Pro-Life Wisconsin.

Jesse, Janet, and their three young girls are members of Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church in West Bend where Jesse is the Outreach Committee Chairman.  Janet and Jesse are alumni of Kettle Moraine Lutheran High School in Jackson, Wisconsin.  Jesse’s website design company, Cornerstone Websites LLC, has a tradition of helping churches and pro-life organizations including WELS Lutherans for Life in Metro-Milwaukee and Christian Life Resources in Minneapolis.

Farm Family Speaks About Candidate Jesse Kremer

Jesse comes from a family with a history of farming.  Jesse grew up enjoying and respecting the tough, satisfying farm life when visiting his Grandparent’s and Aunt Ellen at their Jefferson Dairy.  He enjoyed the animals and hard work so much that he vividly recalls being in tears every time that he had to leave.  Jesse understands that the farming industry is much of the bread and butter in the 59th Assembly District’s economy.  We have to ensure that our farmers concerns are listened to and brought to the attention of legislators in Madison.

Jesse Kremer has already met with three of the Farm Bureau chapters in the 59th and introduced himself to their boards.

We encourage you to watch the 1 1/2 minute video to see what a local farm family has to say about Candidate Kremer.