PRESS RELEASE: Washington County Adminstrator Proposes $1 Million Property Tax Cut


October 1, 2014, West Bend, Wisconsin:

While other supposedly conservative counties are increasing their property tax levy on an annual basis, Joshua Schoemann, the Washington County, Wisconsin Manager, released his 2015 budget today.  Within the report is a proposed reduction in the property tax levy of $1,000,000.  This would be the lowest tax levy in over a decade.  This would also represent a 10% reduction in the levy since 2010.

View the proposed 2015 budget here >



Jesse Kremer Politely Declines Ice Bucket Challenge Donation to ALS Assoc.

imagesI know it has been a popular, and very intelligent social media and fundraising campaign for the ALS Association lately, but as a Christian concerned with abortion and embryonic stem cell research, I will not donate a dime to the ALS Association based on the likelihood that this money will be used to fund embryonic stem cell research.  The Catholics have issued a statement on this, however, my own church body, the Wisconsin Synod has been silent… at least I have not seen any articles or statements issued.

American Family Association Position

ALS Association Website Information & Position

Catholic Archdiocese Position

PRESS RELEASE: Jesse Kremer, “Thank You For Your Support!”

Newly elected 59th Assembly District representative ready to start work.

Official “Post-Victory” Picture at the American Legion in Kewaskum

Jesse Kremer, the newcomer to politics who easily won his first term as 59th Assembly Representative less than a week ago will have no challenger on the ballot in November. Kremer has stated that he is ready to get to work and will be sworn into office on Monday, January 5, 2015.

Kremer issued the following letter to voters, “Dear 59th Assembly District constituents, I would like to personally thank all of the volunteers and supporters for turning out to vote on Tuesday, Aug. 12. Our family has never taken on such a huge endeavor and we had a great civics lesson over the past six months inventing a grass-roots campaign from the ground up. We never could have done this without the strong support of our relatives, guidance from the Lord, and the dozens of friends and volunteers we made throughout the journey. My wife Janet, the children, and I are truly blessed and I am ready to get to work for all of you, my soon-to-be constituents in the 59th Assembly District. If you have any issues you would like addressed on the state level, please let me know. A contact form and phone number can be located at”


Just South of Yosemite National ParkI wrote this several months ago on March 26 while piloting a flight to St. Louis on a two day trip. I did a lot of soul-searching on that flight and felt that I needed to put this on paper:

“Lord, please bestow on me strength and clarity during the next few months. Give me peace, love, and wisdom. Please bless the work of our volunteers and give Janet confidence and peace also during the busy, demanding months to come. Please give me the courage to stand up for my values and make God-pleasing, wise decisions for the constituents of the district. Bless our communities and our state, and do not abandon our nation in this time of need. Keep our campaign upbeat and fun. No matter the final outcome, please give us a strong representative who truly will be a voice for the will of the people.”

OPIONION/EDITORIAL: Why Former Lt. Governor Margaret Farrow Supports Jesse Kremer

margaret-farrow-jesse-kremerPewaukee, Wisconsin, August 7, 2014:

Dear Editor;

I met Jesse Kremer through a phone call. He asked me to meet to discuss his candidacy for the 59th Assembly District seat. This is something I have done with numerous candidates over the years.

When we met he had already impressed me as a determined and hard working candidate. I noted his concern for his appearance, a suit and tie, reflecting his respect for the office he is seeking and the people he would be representing.

I learned that Jesse is a husband, a father, a full-time pilot and owner of several home businesses. He adds to this busy schedule by serving on his local fire department. His background includes military service. He understands how precious our freedom and democracy are.

In our two hour visit I heard his reasons for running for this office. I heard his beliefs and plans for working for educational reform, welfare reform, desire to work to preserve the quality of life including the pre-born. He proved to me his economic and social conservatism.

For all of these reasons I am endorsing Jesse Kremer and believe he will bring an intelligent, ethical, conservative service to the residents of the 59th Assembly District. I ask you to vote for him on the August 12th primary.

Margaret Farrow
Former Lt. Governor and Legislator

EDITORIAL: Why I Support Jesse Kremer!

This article is reprinted from the Fond du Lac Reporter, August 5, 2014

1407250398000-Presto-graphic-LettersToTheEditorOn Aug. 12 there are two very important elections. In the 6th Congressional there are three prominent Republican candidates and four in the 59th State Assembly District race. To the casual voter, the distinctions in the Assembly race may seem minute, but I have noticed very clear differences between the candidates. I met all four and finally settled on the man who seems to rise above the rest.

I have two primary reasons for selecting Jesse Kremer. Mr. Kremer may be the youngest of the contenders, and he is the only newbie to politics, but he also seems to be the only candidate who is putting his neck on the line and has actually been publishing ideas and plans.

I will admit that all of the candidates would probably be strong conservative Republicans. However, I feel Mr. Kremer has already shown that he is not afraid to speak his mind and stand up for his beliefs, even if criticism may be thrown his way. This is a trait that we definitely want in those who represent — a true leader who will not back down or turn tail and run in the face of adversity.

Jesse issued a pretty bold welfare reform idea that I received as a press release in my email regarding food stamps.

The second reason that I am supporting Jesse is because he seems to be the most positive candidate that I have run into. Word travels and other friends and family have told of similar experiences. He talks about himself and does not bash or downplay the experiences and backgrounds of his running mates. He is obviously a highly ethical man with a great deal of integrity. Mr. Kremer, you have my respect and my vote.

Mary Dreifuerst
St. Cloud

EDITORIAL: 59th Assembly Candidate Jesse Kremer Discusses Minimum Wage & Wind Energy

jesse-kremer-minimum-wage-windmillsKewaskum, Wisconsin, August 6, 2014: Over the past few days I have been asked questions such as, “What is your opinion of renewable energy and windmills?” or “I am a small business owner, how will you vote regarding minimum wage increases?” I am the first to admit, but I have not been vocal enough on these issues. Let me clear up my philosophy of the government and legislation regarding these topics.

I am running for office to make a difference. I want to ensure that our state government not only lives within its means, but continues to cut fraud and waste. At the same time, I feel that the government also needs to stop encroaching on the lives of hard working taxpayers and local entrepreneurs. My philosophy in a nut shell? I am a free market capitalist. I believe that we all suffer in the end when the government puts its nose where it doesn’t belong by falsely manipulating the marketplace. Do I like looking at windmills? Not particularly, however, if the market supports them as viable sources of energy, then by all means, let’s work to set up some more wind farms. Unfortunately, this is not what has been occurring. I have no problem with energy companies paying private citizens for the use of their land to erect windmills, install power lines, etc., however, we should not be subsidizing and falsely propping up these energy sources with federal tax dollars. In 2010, just four years ago, the US Department of Energy claimed that our taxes were subsidizing wind energy at over $55 per mega watt hour. Coal, oil, gas, and water were well under $1 for the same amount of energy. If it isn’t efficient, then let’s not use it! By the same token, massive minimum wage hikes that have been discussed will do nothing more than slash jobs, stop businesses from expanding, force price increases on the consumer, and slow the economy – what is the point of that? We are trying to help the business climate and create jobs in our district and state, why would we want to do anything to harm this delicate balance? If you vote for Kremer on August 12, you can be assured that you will get a logical, level headed conservative who can live within his means and will do whatever is necessary to get the government off of our backs and let the free market work.

EDITORIAL: 59th Assembly Candidate Jesse Kremer Discusses Voter ID

voter-id-jesse-kremer-59th-assemblyKewaskum, Wisconsin August 3, 2014: Voting is a sacred right in the United States and, because most of us were born into this right, we often take for granted and do not fully comprehend the blessing of speaking our minds and determining the destiny of our municipalities, state, and nation.

Although they may seem insignificant, Republican primary elections that have no Democratic challenger are of the utmost importance, especially in races that haven’t seen a new candidate in over a decade, i.e. the 6th Congressional, 58th Assembly, and 59th Assembly districts. There will be major changes, especially in the state legislative makeup this fall, and the decision is in the hands of the voters. In the 59th Assembly race for instance, there are four candidates and as little as 1500 votes could decide your next Representative. Your voice really does matter! Stand up for your right and make sure that you are heard on August 12. Vote your conscience and put a candidate into office who will listen to your needs, has the integrity and ethics to be a solid, respected leader, is not out of touch, and can empathize with the hard workers in the 59th Assembly District.

If I have the privilege to serve all of you, my neighbors, I pledge to protect your sacred rights and the integrity of the ballot box. Laws have been passed and imperialist federal courts have ruled, however, I will continue the battle. I will stand firm with my friends, Rep. Mark Born from Dodge County and Rep. Michael Schraa who promised in early May that an updated voter ID bill will be introduced in the 2015 session if this current voter ID law does not pass muster. This bill is very similar to one that has been proven in Indiana and has been upheld at the US Supreme Court…a bill that will continue to preserve the integrity of your vote.

Jesse Kremer Endorsed by Three Pro-Life Organizations

59th Assembly Candidate Jesse Kremer is the only outspoken Christian candidate endorsed by Pro-Life Wisconsin, Wisconsin Family Action PAC, and Wisconsin Right to Life.

Kewaskum, Wisconsin, July 29, 2014: Jesse Kremer is a new face to politics, but he has been a solid traditional family values and pro-life advocate his entire life. Jesse is the only avowed Christian candidate in the 59th Assembly race who has been endorsed by all three of the heavy hitters when it comes to ethical life issues, end of life issues, pro-life concerns, and the defense of traditional marriage. Kremer stated, “I will do everything that I can as a legislator to save the lives of the unborn and defend traditional marriage in our state’s Constitution.”

Jesse and his wife Janet come from strong Christian families. Jesse’s father, Ren Kremer, was a Wisconsin Synod Lutheran grade school principal and his mother was also a WELS teacher. Jesse and his family of five attend Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church in West Bend where he is the Church Council Outreach Coordinator. They hold firmly to the Bible as the inspired Word of God and as such, believe that life and death are in God’s hands, not ours.

The Kremer family donates regularly to pro-life groups and Kremer’s home business, Cornerstone Websites LLC, has provided services to WELS Lutherans for Life and Christian Life Resources.

Legal Immigrant Supports Jesse Kremer – 59th State Assembly Candidate

Immigrant is a term that the media has twisted to encompass illegal immigrants, undocumented immigrants, legal immigrants, etc. Let’s cut through the political nonsense and define them as they are: legal or illegal.

It takes a lot of work and perseverance to immigrate to the United States… legally.  I give these new citizens a ton of credit and it has to pain them to see so many people breaking the law when they worked so hard to follow their new country’s statutes.  We are a nation of laws and that is something that even our President fails to acknowledge.

I met Rolan Fernandez at the Kewaskum Fire Department a bit over a year ago.  He is an upstanding, new US citizen, taxpayer, and Wisconsin voter.  He has a strong Christian family and loves to serve his community.  Rolan recently purchased a home and is doing everything that he can to assimilate into the United States – as a citizen.  Please check out Rolan’s comments in this short 1 1/2 minute video about the Jesse Kremer campaign.  Feel free to share it with a friend or family member.