PRESS RELEASE: Jesse Kremer, “Thank You For Your Support!”

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Newly elected 59th Assembly District representative ready to start work.

Official “Post-Victory” Picture at the American Legion in Kewaskum

Jesse Kremer, the newcomer to politics who easily won his first term as 59th Assembly Representative less than a week ago will have no challenger on the ballot in November. Kremer has stated that he is ready to get to work and will be sworn into office on Monday, January 5, 2015.

Kremer issued the following letter to voters, “Dear 59th Assembly District constituents, I would like to personally thank all of the volunteers and supporters for turning out to vote on Tuesday, Aug. 12. Our family has never taken on such a huge endeavor and we had a great civics lesson over the past six months inventing a grass-roots campaign from the ground up. We never could have done this without the strong support of our relatives, guidance from the Lord, and the dozens of friends and volunteers we made throughout the journey. My wife Janet, the children, and I are truly blessed and I am ready to get to work for all of you, my soon-to-be constituents in the 59th Assembly District. If you have any issues you would like addressed on the state level, please let me know. A contact form and phone number can be located at”