Bill Author Jesse Kremer Applauds Signing of Act 56 – “Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act”

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Governor Walker Jesse KremerJuly 20, 2015, Madison, Wisconsin:

Today, Governor Walker signed SB 179 into law, granting long overdue protections to unborn children who are capable of feeling pain caused by gruesome late-term abortion procedures. In response, Rep. Kremer (R-Kewaskum) issued the following statement:

“It was a great honor to witness SB 179 become law this morning. I am humbled to have been able to work on this important legislation with my colleagues, Senator Mary Lazich, Rep. Joan Ballweg and Rep. Joe Sanfelippo. I would also like to thank all my Senate and Assembly colleagues as well for standing up for Wisconsin’s unborn children who can feel pain.

In light of recent events, the signing of the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act could not be more relevant. This law will help to change the moral and ethical direction of our state so that no child is subjected to the brutality of a painful abortion. Each individual human life is precious and worth protecting no matter what his or her social status or level of physical ability. I’m extremely pleased to see this reality become law today in Wisconsin.”