OP-ED: Allow Teachers With Real-World Experience in Our Classrooms

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Jesse KremerJanuary 26, 2015, Kewaskum, Wisconsin

I am excited that we may expand our base of excellent teachers through the discussion brought on by Gov. Walker this past week.  It is one thing to teach the theory behind a particular subject, but it is a totally different perspective to have lived and breathed that topic for 20 or 30 years and correlate the real-world with the theoretical. This may really stimulate some of our youth to the opportunities that are available in Wisconsin.

Teachers are already employed in this capacity with the blessing of the federal government and our technical colleges.

As a Certified Flight Instructor (CFI) student, I was mandated by the FAA to learn the theory of instruction, write lesson plans for every phase of flight, teach to FAA standards, and be tested by federal examiners on my understanding of the theory, ability to transfer that knowledge, and correlate all of the information into a practical setting. Following this training, I was entrusted to train safe and efficient pilots for the aviation industry.”