PRESS RELEASE: 32 Wisconsin State Legislators Call for Audit of Planned Parenthood

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January 22, 2015, Madison, Wisconsin:

On the horrific anniversary of Roe v. Wade, 32 Wisconsin legislators had the courage to call for a non-partisan joint legislative audit of Wisconsin family planning organizations.

According to a recent audit by the Office of the Inspector General (OIG), there have been serious Medicaid reimbursement inconsistencies with NEWCAP and the Wisconsin Family Planning Health Services (FPHS) to the tune of $3.5 million in over billing the state.

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel stated the following on December 14, 2014, “If the office of the Inspector General’s audits are correct, and if they are expanded in scope, the state would stand to collect tens of millions of dollars.”

The response from Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin’s public policy director, Nicole Safar, concluded in the Journal Sentinel article that if Planned Parenthood bills in the same manner as NEWCAP and FPHS are charged with doing, they estimate a loss of $4.5 million in annual revenue to abide by the DHS requirements.

59th Assembly Representative Jesse Kremer (Kewaskum), recently appointed to both the “Health” and “Public Benefits” committees, added, “As an advocate for the lives of all children, including the pre-born, I will not lose any sleep over the fact that some of these so-called family planning organizations are on the hot seat and may be required to shut their doors if the audit proves that the people of Wisconsin were being defrauded.”

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