OP-ED: Jesse Kremer Proposes Mandatory Prison Sentences For Heroin Dealers

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imagesNovember 10, 2014, Kewaskum, Wisconsin

Washington County has a major problem with too many young lives being snuffed out by drugs. As a firefighter/EMT with the Kewaskum Fire Department, I am aware of numerous overdose calls for service, including another call over this past weekend for a possible heroin overdose.

Our new Attorney General Brad Schimel has stated that of the war on heroin: “We’re going to hit them by land, air and sea.” In my own talks with Sheriff Clarke a couple of weeks ago, I learned that drug dealers who are arrested are out on the streets again in relatively short order.

State Representative John Nygren from Marinette has been a strong champion of the fight against heroin. I am hoping to join forces with Rep. Nygren and propose a mandatory prison sentence for heroin dealers.

AG-elect Schimel has even stated that dealers selling the highly addictive drug are “more dangerous than someone who would fire a gun into a crowded school ground.”