PUBLIC STATEMENT: Thank You Gov. Christie For Attempting to Destroy WI For Your Own Personal Gain

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Good evening Executives of the Republican Governors Association,

I would like to know what is going on at the RGA that you folks are not backing Gov. Walker as promised. It seems pretty obvious and blatant to Republicans in Wisconsin and callers on local, high listener-ship talk shows, that Governor Christie is attempting to destroy a much better governor and potential presidential candidate than himself by holding back funds from Governor Walker.

I have just been elected to the Wisconsin State Legislature and do not have any long term political “ambitions”… only to do what is right for our state. Governor Christie and his motivations are what is deeply wrong with the Republican Party, thus, I could care less what he thinks of me. We will not, however, forget what he is doing to our state and is attempting to do should Governor Walker lose next week.

Jesse Kremer
59th Assembly Representative Elect for the Great State of Wisconsin

Source: Mark Belling Late Afternoon Show and the Weekly Standard