EDITORIAL: Why I Support Jesse Kremer!

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This article is reprinted from the Fond du Lac Reporter, August 5, 2014

1407250398000-Presto-graphic-LettersToTheEditorOn Aug. 12 there are two very important elections. In the 6th Congressional there are three prominent Republican candidates and four in the 59th State Assembly District race. To the casual voter, the distinctions in the Assembly race may seem minute, but I have noticed very clear differences between the candidates. I met all four and finally settled on the man who seems to rise above the rest.

I have two primary reasons for selecting Jesse Kremer. Mr. Kremer may be the youngest of the contenders, and he is the only newbie to politics, but he also seems to be the only candidate who is putting his neck on the line and has actually been publishing ideas and plans.

I will admit that all of the candidates would probably be strong conservative Republicans. However, I feel Mr. Kremer has already shown that he is not afraid to speak his mind and stand up for his beliefs, even if criticism may be thrown his way. This is a trait that we definitely want in those who represent — a true leader who will not back down or turn tail and run in the face of adversity.

Jesse issued a pretty bold welfare reform idea that I received as a press release in my email regarding food stamps.

The second reason that I am supporting Jesse is because he seems to be the most positive candidate that I have run into. Word travels and other friends and family have told of similar experiences. He talks about himself and does not bash or downplay the experiences and backgrounds of his running mates. He is obviously a highly ethical man with a great deal of integrity. Mr. Kremer, you have my respect and my vote.

Mary Dreifuerst
St. Cloud