Legal Immigrant Supports Jesse Kremer – 59th State Assembly Candidate

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Immigrant is a term that the media has twisted to encompass illegal immigrants, undocumented immigrants, legal immigrants, etc. Let’s cut through the political nonsense and define them as they are: legal or illegal.

It takes a lot of work and perseverance to immigrate to the United States… legally.  I give these new citizens a ton of credit and it has to pain them to see so many people breaking the law when they worked so hard to follow their new country’s statutes.  We are a nation of laws and that is something that even our President fails to acknowledge.

I met Rolan Fernandez at the Kewaskum Fire Department a bit over a year ago.  He is an upstanding, new US citizen, taxpayer, and Wisconsin voter.  He has a strong Christian family and loves to serve his community.  Rolan recently purchased a home and is doing everything that he can to assimilate into the United States – as a citizen.  Please check out Rolan’s comments in this short 1 1/2 minute video about the Jesse Kremer campaign.  Feel free to share it with a friend or family member.