PRESS RELEASE: Jesse Kremer Welfare Reform Proposal

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In keeping with his campaign slogan, Republican 59th Assembly Candidate Kremer introduces another bold idea emanating from his conservative values.

jesse-kremer-welfare-reformKewaskum, Wisconsin, July 23, 2014: Jesse Kremer is proposing a welfare reform idea that could prove controversial, but may garner bi-partisan support.  Kremer issued the following statement, “I am appalled with the lack of oversight and control when a government program or bureaucracy is initiated.  I feel that although government welfare programs are a social necessity and a crutch for those who fall on hard times, they are not meant to be a permanent life style.”

Kremer firmly stated that he would like to study the effects of possibly purchasing buildings to use as state food pantries and allow them to be run by private companies.  “I believe that we would save millions of taxpayer dollars, even if we were to provide the actual structures.” said Kremer. The pantries would only provide life-sustaining foods such as bread, flour, vegetables, fruits, eggs, milk, etc.  Junk foods, liquor, and cigarettes would be excluded.  Kremer feels that the pantries should be directly responsible to the legislature.  State auditors would provide  oversight and report to this legislative committee.