PRESS RELEASE: Kremer Runs a Hard Core Grass Roots Campaign

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Kremer for Wisconsin campaign completes their first sweep through the district by knocking on well over 10,000 potential voter doors.

Jesse Kremer 59th Assembly Candidate at Kewaskum Fireworks
Kremer Serves Guests at Kewaskum Fireworks

Kewaskum, Wisconsin, July 17, 2014: The Kremer campaign disclosed this afternoon that as of late last week, they have knocked on over 10,500 potential voter doors since the middle of March. Jesse Kremer, a first time candidate, has been re-inventing the wheel when it comes to grass roots campaigning. Kremer bicycled 85 miles through the entire district in June, put on a “Family Night Out” event in Kewaskum in early May, and even had a Town Hall “Meet & Greet” fundraiser with sitting State Senator Paul Farrow as a guest. Kremer commented on the recent achievement, “I may be new to this, but I am living up to my campaign slogan of ‘Bold Ideas… Conservative Values’. We did not wait around for a voter list from the Republican party in early June like our establishment competitors. We hit the ground running in the middle of March wearing gloves and several layers of clothes while the snowflakes were still flying. We felt that this list of voters from the 2012 primary race would be the most probable voters during the 2014 election cycle and needed to put my face to the name early on.”

Although Jesse Kremer is new to politics, he has a vast array of real world experiences as a pilot, military veteran, former police dispatcher, small business owner, husband, father of three young girls, church council member, and a volunteer firefighter/EMT.