Rep. Kremer Endorsed by Three Wisconsin Pro-Life & Traditional Family Organizations

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July 18, 2016, Kewaskum, Wisconsin

Rep. Jesse Kremer is proud to announce his endorsement by three solid pro-life organizations.  The representative issued the following statement:

“I am humbled to once again be supported by three strong family-oriented organizations: Pro-Life Wisconsin, Wisconsin Right to Life and Wisconsin Family Action.  I will be honored to be the voice of my constituents to encourage traditional family values and champion legislation to save the pre-born residents of this state.”

In his first year of elected office, Kremer authored the “Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act” (often referred to as the “20 week bill”), was instrumental in voting the “Fetal Body Parts and Research” bill out of committee, voted for bills to cut the taxpayer funding and abuse of taxpayer dollars by abortion providers and authored the “Student Privacy Act” (also inaccurately portrayed by the media as the “transgender bathroom bill”).
