OPIONION/EDITORIAL: Why Former Lt. Governor Margaret Farrow Supports Jesse Kremer

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margaret-farrow-jesse-kremerPewaukee, Wisconsin, August 7, 2014:

Dear Editor;

I met Jesse Kremer through a phone call. He asked me to meet to discuss his candidacy for the 59th Assembly District seat. This is something I have done with numerous candidates over the years.

When we met he had already impressed me as a determined and hard working candidate. I noted his concern for his appearance, a suit and tie, reflecting his respect for the office he is seeking and the people he would be representing.

I learned that Jesse is a husband, a father, a full-time pilot and owner of several home businesses. He adds to this busy schedule by serving on his local fire department. His background includes military service. He understands how precious our freedom and democracy are.

In our two hour visit I heard his reasons for running for this office. I heard his beliefs and plans for working for educational reform, welfare reform, desire to work to preserve the quality of life including the pre-born. He proved to me his economic and social conservatism.

For all of these reasons I am endorsing Jesse Kremer and believe he will bring an intelligent, ethical, conservative service to the residents of the 59th Assembly District. I ask you to vote for him on the August 12th primary.

Margaret Farrow
Former Lt. Governor and Legislator