EDITORIAL: 59th Assembly Candidate Jesse Kremer Discusses Minimum Wage & Wind Energy

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jesse-kremer-minimum-wage-windmillsKewaskum, Wisconsin, August 6, 2014: Over the past few days I have been asked questions such as, “What is your opinion of renewable energy and windmills?” or “I am a small business owner, how will you vote regarding minimum wage increases?” I am the first to admit, but I have not been vocal enough on these issues. Let me clear up my philosophy of the government and legislation regarding these topics.

I am running for office to make a difference. I want to ensure that our state government not only lives within its means, but continues to cut fraud and waste. At the same time, I feel that the government also needs to stop encroaching on the lives of hard working taxpayers and local entrepreneurs. My philosophy in a nut shell? I am a free market capitalist. I believe that we all suffer in the end when the government puts its nose where it doesn’t belong by falsely manipulating the marketplace. Do I like looking at windmills? Not particularly, however, if the market supports them as viable sources of energy, then by all means, let’s work to set up some more wind farms. Unfortunately, this is not what has been occurring. I have no problem with energy companies paying private citizens for the use of their land to erect windmills, install power lines, etc., however, we should not be subsidizing and falsely propping up these energy sources with federal tax dollars. In 2010, just four years ago, the US Department of Energy claimed that our taxes were subsidizing wind energy at over $55 per mega watt hour. Coal, oil, gas, and water were well under $1 for the same amount of energy. If it isn’t efficient, then let’s not use it! By the same token, massive minimum wage hikes that have been discussed will do nothing more than slash jobs, stop businesses from expanding, force price increases on the consumer, and slow the economy – what is the point of that? We are trying to help the business climate and create jobs in our district and state, why would we want to do anything to harm this delicate balance? If you vote for Kremer on August 12, you can be assured that you will get a logical, level headed conservative who can live within his means and will do whatever is necessary to get the government off of our backs and let the free market work.