EDITORIAL: 59th Assembly Candidate Jesse Kremer Discusses Voter ID

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voter-id-jesse-kremer-59th-assemblyKewaskum, Wisconsin August 3, 2014: Voting is a sacred right in the United States and, because most of us were born into this right, we often take for granted and do not fully comprehend the blessing of speaking our minds and determining the destiny of our municipalities, state, and nation.

Although they may seem insignificant, Republican primary elections that have no Democratic challenger are of the utmost importance, especially in races that haven’t seen a new candidate in over a decade, i.e. the 6th Congressional, 58th Assembly, and 59th Assembly districts. There will be major changes, especially in the state legislative makeup this fall, and the decision is in the hands of the voters. In the 59th Assembly race for instance, there are four candidates and as little as 1500 votes could decide your next Representative. Your voice really does matter! Stand up for your right and make sure that you are heard on August 12. Vote your conscience and put a candidate into office who will listen to your needs, has the integrity and ethics to be a solid, respected leader, is not out of touch, and can empathize with the hard workers in the 59th Assembly District.

If I have the privilege to serve all of you, my neighbors, I pledge to protect your sacred rights and the integrity of the ballot box. Laws have been passed and imperialist federal courts have ruled, however, I will continue the battle. I will stand firm with my friends, Rep. Mark Born from Dodge County and Rep. Michael Schraa who promised in early May that an updated voter ID bill will be introduced in the 2015 session if this current voter ID law does not pass muster. This bill is very similar to one that has been proven in Indiana and has been upheld at the US Supreme Court…a bill that will continue to preserve the integrity of your vote.