Jesse Kremer Endorsed by Three Pro-Life Organizations

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59th Assembly Candidate Jesse Kremer is the only outspoken Christian candidate endorsed by Pro-Life Wisconsin, Wisconsin Family Action PAC, and Wisconsin Right to Life.

Kewaskum, Wisconsin, July 29, 2014: Jesse Kremer is a new face to politics, but he has been a solid traditional family values and pro-life advocate his entire life. Jesse is the only avowed Christian candidate in the 59th Assembly race who has been endorsed by all three of the heavy hitters when it comes to ethical life issues, end of life issues, pro-life concerns, and the defense of traditional marriage. Kremer stated, “I will do everything that I can as a legislator to save the lives of the unborn and defend traditional marriage in our state’s Constitution.”

Jesse and his wife Janet come from strong Christian families. Jesse’s father, Ren Kremer, was a Wisconsin Synod Lutheran grade school principal and his mother was also a WELS teacher. Jesse and his family of five attend Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church in West Bend where he is the Church Council Outreach Coordinator. They hold firmly to the Bible as the inspired Word of God and as such, believe that life and death are in God’s hands, not ours.

The Kremer family donates regularly to pro-life groups and Kremer’s home business, Cornerstone Websites LLC, has provided services to WELS Lutherans for Life and Christian Life Resources.