A Major Issue for Jesse Kremer? The Federal Government vs. State Autonomy

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As Taken From the June 3, 2014 Editorials of the West Bend Daily News as a Follow up to a Forum Between the Four Candidates

As a candidate for the 59th Assembly District, I would like to sincerely thank John Callen, president of the Common Sense Citizens of Washington County, for allowing a public forum between four strong conservatives Wednesday night. It was an excellent discussion and a great introduction to the community. I am sure I speak for all of the candidates in mentioning appreciation for all of the folks who the took time on a beautiful spring evening to become informed and ensure that a strong,
energetic conservative with integrity and common sense becomes the next representative for the 59th District in our state capital. The Daily News seemed to be the only media outlet in attendance and deserves credit for bringing real news
to the people of the district and surrounding communities. I would like to clarify one statement that did appear in the coverage of the story, and though I do not fault the writer, one of my complete answers, which actually was quite broad, did get
lost in translation. The forum question basically asked, “What is the No. 1 thing that you would like to change when you get to Madison?” The article mentioned that I would like to see less federal government interference and to cut funding for abortions on state employee health insurance plans. In all fairness, my No. 1 issue was the federal government and its involvement in states’ rights and state autonomy. However, I said that this is a broad issue. I continued to explain that under this umbrella, my goal would be to do anything possible at the state level to usurp Obamacare and, yes, this would include removing the funding of abortions on state employee health insurance plans.

Jesse Kremer