Press Release: Kewaskum Resident Announces Candidacy for Retiring Rep. Dan LeMahieu’s 59th Assembly Seat

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Jesse Kremer of Kewaskum declared his candidacy as a fiscally conservative, pro-life Republican in the 59th Assembly District.  The campaign was publicly announced with a fifteen minute speech at the Common Sense Citizens of Washington County forum on February 26.

Jesse Kremer 59th Assembly District Candidate
Jesse Kremer 59th Assembly District Candidate

Kewaskum, Wisconsin, February 26, 2014:  Jesse Kremer is a 37 year old charter pilot, small business entrepreneur, and volunteer firefighter/EMT who resides with his wife and three young girls in the Village of Kewaskum.   Jesse is a veteran of West Bend’s Wisconsin National Guard  832nd Medical Company. Until a few years ago, Jesse did not have a desire to seek an elected office.  He believes strongly, however, that this country is rapidly taking a turn for the worse.  “The United States is no longer a government of the people, but a government over the people.”  “For whatever reason, because politicians are elected, they feel that taxpayer dollars must be spent, often times for no other reason than, because they can.”   Jesse admits that he is not politically connected or independently wealthy, however, he has an absolutely burning desire to be a voice for the 59th district and make a difference in the community.  Jesse wants the children of our community and state to continue to grow up with the freedoms and liberties that we are all guaranteed.  Jesse feels that under Governor Walker, outgoing Rep. Dan LeMahieu, and the current legislature, tough fiscal decisions and pro job policies have been enacted paving the way for Wisconsin to climb out of apathy and head to the top.  Now is the time to continue to send young, passionate, common sense citizens to Madison so that Wisconsin will become a beacon of hope to the rest of the country.  Jesse encourages citizens and taxpayers of the 59th district to air their concerns and ideas at or Jesse is solidly pro-life and pro-family, a defender of the 2nd amendment and backed by the US Concealed Carry Association (USCCA), pro-jobs and small business, against legalization of marijuana, and vehemently against the dumbing-down of our students with the federal Common Core educational standards.